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The Wolf Man (1941)

The Wolf Man


  • Universal Pictures
  • Directed by George Waggner
  • Screenplay by Curt Siodmak
  • Starring Lon Chaney Jr., Claude Rains, Warren William, Ralph Bellamy, Bela Lugosi, Evelyn Ankers


Friendly and mild-mannered Larry Talbot (Chaney Jr.) is bitten by a werewolf (Lugosi), who passes the curse onto him. A man during the day, Talbot transforms into a werewolf under the full moon, prowling the countryside and killing anyone he encounters. The constable and local citizens hunt him. Horror and tragedy combine in the fates of both Talbot and his father Sir John (Rains), a skeptic who does not believe in the werewolf until he is forced to strike it down with his silver-headed cane. Sir John then watches in anguish as the dead werewolf transforms back into his son.


The Wolf Man introduces Universal Pictures' final major horror character until The Creature from the Black Lagoon (1954). As played by Lon Chaney Jr., the Wolf Man is a pitiable character whose transformations and homicidal acts are completely involuntarily. He is distraught because he cannot prevent the killings.

TCM Film Festival, 2012

The Wolf Man was screened as part of the Universal's Legacy of Horror theme at the TCM Classic Film Festival in 2012. Makeup artist Rick Baker (An American Werewolf in London, Hellboy) discussed the film and makeup artist Jack Pierce. Pierce created Chaney's werewolf makeup and Boris Karloff's makeup for Frankenstein. Pierce built facial features out of cotton, liquid plastic and putty. He glued yak hair to Chaney's face and head. Applying and removing the makeup was a slow and tedious process that took hours of work. Although Pierce got on well with Karloff, he had a poor relationship with Chaney. New types of makeup, including molded latex appliances that were faster and easier to apply, and more comfortable for actors, were introduced in the 1940s. Pierce found it hard to adapt to the newer methods and was reluctant to use the latex appliances, and his career declined as a result. He worked mostly in television during the 1950s. His final position was makeup artist for the Mr. Ed television series in the early 1960s.

Further Reading

TCM Classic Film Festival, 2012

Ten Great Horror Film Locations